Pol Yates says “We must take climate change seriously” and says we must move swiftly from oil and gas, (Letters, 12 March).
To what? We will still need gas fired generators for when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine.
On average over the last 12 months unreliable wind supplied only 19.8 per cent of our electricity whereas reliable gas supplied 39 per cent.
We will continue to need gas for decades, so it is sheer hypocrisy to curb UK oil and gas production yet to import it.
The UK is responsible for only 1.13 per cent of global emissions. China, India, Russian, Japan and many other countries, responsible for over 60 per cent, are already breaking the promises they made at COP26 by building even more coal-fired electricity plants.
Russia and China are to build a gas pipeline carrying gas to China yet Ms Yates thinks that wind turbines will save the planet.
She might be better telling President Putin to stop his greenhouse gas- creating war in Ukraine.
Clark Cross, Linlithgow.

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