Report warns that ministers have no clear plan on how to pay for ambitious green energy targets amid growing cost-of-living crisis
ByOlivia Rudgard, ENVIRONMENT CORRESPONDENT 2 March 2022 • 6:00am
Boris Johnson’s government set out a target of reaching net zero by 2050, but a report warns that the target is not backed by proper budgets
The Government has no “reliable” idea of how much net zero will cost the nation, an influential committee of MPs has warned.
The UK has a target of reaching net zero by 2050, and plans to phase out petrol and diesel cars and gas boilers before then. However, a damning report has warned that its aims and targets are not backed by proper strategies and budgets.
Ministers have “no clear plan” for how to pay for the transition to electric heating and transport, and they may be overestimating consumer willingness to switch to heat pumps and electric cars, the Commons public accounts committee said.
The Government had “has no reliable estimate of what the process of implementing the net zero policy is actually likely to cost British consumers, households, businesses and [the] Government itself”, its report said, and was “relying heavily” on the public to choose greener options.
The report added: “At a time when people are worried about their energy bills, [the] Government must be clearer about the costs facing consumers, households and business of achieving its net zero objectives.”
The net zero targets are “hampered by vague performance measures, a lack of overall budget or plans to collate and report what it is spending and limited assessment of the cost impact on consumers”.
Currently, the Government does not report spending on net zero separately from other projects, considering it too “challenging”, according to the report.
Net zero plans also “place huge reliance on a massive expansion of electricity supply and distribution capacity for which there is no clear national plan or cost estimate”.
Last week, The Telegraph revealed that electricity networks were billing customers for green upgrades that never happened because they had overestimated the number of heat pumps and chargers that would be bought.
Dame Meg Hillier, the chairman of the committee, said that failed green policies had resulted in a “shameful waste of taxpayers’ money” and a loss of “consumer confidence” in the past.
She said: “You can’t just tell people they’ve got to change their behaviour without helping them along the way. It’s cost and convenience for consumers. There will be people who want to be green at any cost. There will be people who want to be green ideally, but might struggle to afford these things.
“You’ve got to make it easier, natural and normal for people to take green options – and for example, understanding that not everyone lives in a home where you can have an electric charging point outside in your front garden.
“Government has got to play a role in helping to shape the market, shape the infrastructure and make it easy for people to make the right choice because even people who want to make the right choice might find there are barriers that stop them doing that.”
A spokesman for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy said: “Gas prices are at record highs, so we need to move away from expensive gas. The more clean, cheap and secure power we generate at home – like renewables and nuclear – the less exposed we will be to expensive gas prices set by international markets.”…/government-has-no-idea…/

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