Stakeholders will be aware that DPEA has been striving to maximise proportionality and efficiency in its handling of inquiry cases.  In doing so we have introduced a model timeline for the period leading up to and beyond inquiries, with a target of all such cases being reported on within 50 weeks of receipt of the case.  I appreciate that this is a challenging target for parties as well as reporters, but there are early signs that this approach is starting to bear fruit.


In this context I’ve become aware of some inquiry parties stating at PEM that they will be unable to participate in the inquiry for some months, in one case 5 months from the date of the PEM.  Such delays may arise due to unavoidable circumstances but are impossible to justify.  Reporters in inquiry cases are issuing outline timelines at a very early stage of the process, and usually well in advance of the PEM, in order to enable parties to plan for their participation.


I understand that in other appellate jurisdictions, inquiry dates are often imposed, a measure which DPEA has to date been very reluctant to follow.  However, Scottish Ministers expect planning and related proposals to be determined expeditiously.  I would in the first instance encourage Stakeholders to take all necessary steps to facilitate participation in inquiries in accordance with the outline timeline issued by the reporter.  In the meantime I shall keep this matter under review.


Scott Ferrie

Interim Chief Reporter



Planning and Environmental Appeals Division(DPEA)

Scottish Government

SAS Volunteer

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