Note from DPEA

Stakeholders will be aware that DPEA has been striving to maximise proportionality and efficiency in its handling of inquiry cases.  In doing so we have introduced a model timeline for the period leading up to and beyond inquiries, with a target of all such cases being reported on within 50 Read more…

Scotsman letters

  Sweeteners Alex Irwin, senior solicitor in the Renewable Energy Team at Davidson, Chalmers Stewart LLP, waxes lyrical about Community Benefit Schemes (Friends of The Scotsman, March 7, “Renewable Energy Projects can be transformational for communities across country”). She writes: “Community Benefit Schemes have been popular with developers who want Read more…

Scotland on Sunday letters

  A greater awareness of the ever-growing danger to the efforts of our governments to keep the peoples of the world who inhabit colder climes provided with warmth and light may, sadly, be one of the benefits from the present crisis in Ukraine. Germany, for example, is entirely dependent on Read more…

Glenshero WF – Refused

Some more good news! The Scottish Ministers give notice that they have refused consent for this proposed Development. APPLICATION FOR CONSENT AND DEEMED PLANNING PERMISSION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF GLENSHERO WIND FARM NEAR LAGGAN WITHIN THE PLANNING AUTHORITY AREA OF THE HIGHLAND COUNCIL The decision is not available Read more…