Nearly half of UK’s offshore wind capacity owned by state-owned foreign entities, analysis shows – Sky News

Nearly half of all the UK’s offshore wind capacity is owned by state-owned or majority state-owned foreign entities, according to new analysis exclusively shared with Sky News.

Scotsman letters (3)

  Finnish first? Laura Waddell seems in awe of Finland (“UK may envy Finnish heat pump revolution as winter bites”, Perspective, 22 September). So in awe that she did not say anything about the costs of heat pumps or reveal that the Green/SNP-dominated Scottish Government will ban gas boilers in Read more…

Herald letters

  Wind farms are a sick joke WIND turbines as sources of energy are wind speed-dependent electricity generators typifying the wastefulness of the UK’s futile attempts to avert the world’s risks of dangerous climate changes. As proportions of our used electricity supplies, wind turbines contribute percentages ranging between single figures Read more…

Kwasi Kwarteng quietly lifts ban on new onshore wind farms to allow turbines to be built in England – Mail Online

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng quietly lifts de facto ban on new onshore wind farms He vows to ‘unlock the potential of onshore wind’ in his ’emergency Budget’ Move is likely to anger Tory MPs who are opposed to new turbines in England

Leithenwater Wind Energy Hub – Pre Application

Leithenwater Wind Energy Hub – Pre Application The construction and operation of a new wind farm (Leithenwater Wind Energy Hub) comprising up to 13 wind turbines each up to a maximum of 200m to turbine blade tip and ancillary items. The Proposed Development is located 4.5km north-east of Peebles.