Herald letters

A NATION’S riches, spent to meet vital national needs of all kinds, including its people’s welfare, depends on its natural assets. Petroleum products, vital for so many valid purposes, may be recoverable by fracking, as was promised in Rishi Sunak’s pre-election manifesto as a candidate for UK Government leadership. Mr Read more…

Nicola Sturgeon secretly changes Holyrood speech record after lying about renewable energy – Express

Nicola Sturgeon has come under fire after secretly altering an official record of her Holyrood speech after being caught out lying about renewable energy. The First Minister was one of three key SNP figures found to have made misleading statements about Scotland’s energy capabilities.https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/nicola-sturgeon-secretly-changes-holyrood-28353336?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar

Sunak set to retain onshore wind ban in England – ReNews.Biz

Our Petition to the Scottish Parliament must now succeed. https://www.parliament.scot/get-involved/petitions/view-petitions/pe1864-increase-the-ability-of-communities-to-influence-planning-decisions-for-onshore-windfarms   No longer will Scottish rural communities tolerate being treated as second class citizens.  It is time the Scottish Government did the right thing and gave us parity with England.  They tell us they want to give more power to Read more…