Scotsman letters

  Turbines ahoy I was fishing this week at Cobbinshaw Reservoir, which is the compensation reservoir for the Union Canal. It is situated just south of West Calder. As we approached we could see the wind farm with six turbines just south of Pates Hill and we could also see Read more…

Know why your fuel bills are soaring? 20 years of ‘renewables’ lies, says JOHN CONSTABLE – Express

THE UK’s energy crisis has been in the making for more than 20 years and is the result of the incompetent policies of Mr Blair, Mr Brown, Mr Cameron, Mrs May, and Mr Johnson, and all their hapless energy minsters and advisors too numerous to name.

Press and Journal letters

Dear Sir,   On the very day the energy price cap rockets into the stratosphere our deluded politicians continue to extort untold billions from our energy bills in green levies and throw it towards the wind industry.   The result? After 20 years and 11,000 turbines later, we watched today’s Read more…