Letters – Shetland News

The London Tories, backed by all opposition parties and Holyrood, have written ‘Net Zero 2050’ into UK law. Of course, obtaining cleaner air, clearer skies and “saving the planet” are laudable aims. Always assuming they are achieved in a soberly-reasoned, cost-effective manner. Sadly, the absence of parliamentary opposition has ensured Read more…

Herald letters

  SNP giving us fake news WE all know by now that the ruling SNP is not very good with figures. Its failure to produce any kind of detailed plan for Scottish independence is one indication of this, as are the fantasy figures produced for various issues, which are mostly Read more…

DPEA Stakeholders’ meeting

  It seems SAS is dominating the meeting this month with items on the Agenda from both Aileen and Rachel. Note the last item which has been raised by Esmie Clelland of the RSPB. The possible implications of Tom Arthurs recent clarification on Energy Consents thresholds. In summary, stating that Read more…