Herald letters

A different way to do our energy Alan Carmichael (April 19) refers to Scotland’s wind energy possibly becoming the “Saudi Arabia” of renewables. He is obviously a victim of SNP spin and unaware that Saudi Arabia will produce abundant energy from solar at a quarter of the cost of wind. Read more…

Conservative watchdogs highlight ‘alarming’ surge in whale deaths as wind farms grow off NY, NJ coasts – New York Post

Conservative watchdog groups ran a guerrilla-style ad campaign on the New Jersey shore for Earth Day, drawing attention to a surge in whale deaths amid the growth of offshore wind farms. https://nypost.com/2023/04/23/conservative-watchdogs-highlight-alarming-surge-in-whale-deaths-as-wind-farms-grow-off-ny-nj-coasts/?fbclid=IwAR0h1ZMqThy7BxSa5lcae7yPK0LQQV2JemMMM7SBTZ4L0sNdotXnFZ-SvVM

Scotsman letters

  Do the maths Should the proposed pumped storage facility at Coire Glas Power Station be approved? It will take many years to complete at a cost somewhere north of £1.5 billion. The proposers, SSE, are asking the UK government to provide the funding so we must look at this Read more…