Herald letters

A different way to do our energy Alan Carmichael (April 19) refers to Scotland’s wind energy possibly becoming the “Saudi Arabia” of renewables. He is obviously a victim of SNP spin and unaware that Saudi Arabia will produce abundant energy from solar at a quarter of the cost of wind. Read more…

Update on Petition

We received a reply from the Scottish Government to our Petition to the Scottish Parliament today to which we will be making a response. They have agreed to undertake work “to explore the benefits and disadvantages of altering the 50MW threshold, and explore the scope for planning authorities to determine Read more…

Council drops wind farm opposition after nine years – BBC

Scottish Borders Council has decided not to object to a wind farm it first opposed nine years ago The project would see 12 turbines built at Cloich Forest near Eddleston A report said changes to national planning guidance meant the benefits outweighed the negatives of the scheme https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czk8kzle2d2o

Scotsman letters

  Energy secrecy The article by Michael Sturrock on independence (Scotsman, 17 April) contained not a single reference to the cost of implementing a Just Transition in Scotland by 2045. The Climate Emergency Review Group paper estimated the cost of a Green Revolution at £150 billion, the price of fitting Read more…