Herald letters

MY jaw dropped as I read Rebecca McQuillan’s article (“There’s no time for another fight over power lines”, The Herald, April 6). How can anyone who professes to be “particularly interested in the environment” not be opposed to SSEN’s plans for the Highlands? Why accept at face value what you Read more…

Scotsman letters

  Stephen Mcilkenny’s article (“Pylon row shows moving green energy comes at a cost”, Scotsman, 4 April) implies that the anger expressed at SSEN’s proposed transmission line development from Spittal in Caithness to Beauly derives from a failure on the part of objectors to recognise the necessities of greening our Read more…

Seize property to build wind and solar farms – Telegraph

The chief executive of JP Morgan has suggested that governments should seize private land to build wind and solar farms in order to meet net zero targets….  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/04/04/seize-property-build-wind-solar-farms-jp-morgan/?fbclid=IwAR2VZha_UDGAjyjvOq3n4AJO2ZWnDXFBtC19Mmcw_LpGibzLhvoiffcLNIM

Scotsman letters

  Energy bills The key factor missing from the letter by Tim Flinn on ditching fossil fuels (Letters, 4 April) is the data that electricity is four times more expensive than gas, hence energy bills will return to the current levels that has resulted in the cost-of-living crisis once fossil Read more…

Herald letters

  The folly of the CfD scheme THE UK Government has repeatedly assured us all that electricity bills would fall as a result of much lower prices for offshore wind power agreed at Contracts for Difference (CfD) auctions. However a Freedom of Information request by Net Zero Watch revealed that Read more…

Scotsman letters

  Having bought The Scotsman since 1964 when I ventured from Perth to Edinburgh I feel entitled to say that the Sustainable Scotland articles by Dr Richard Dixon are well past their sell-by dates. Not once in his articles has he said that the UK only has 1.15 per cent Read more…