Dear sir,  

Good luck to Kate Forbes MSP in her role as ‘ambassador’ for ‘green’ Highlands (Press and Journal June 9th).  

Her task to protect the environment, biodiversity and the ‘Nature Crisis’ could take some doing, particularly as her own SNP colleagues repeatedly rubber stamp wind farm applications against the express wishes of rural communities, often her own constituents.  

If a Golden Eagle has been recorded soaring from Deeside to Loch Maree, and back, in a single day, at turbine height, then absolutely nowhere is safe from a ‘carefully sited’ wind farm.  

Who could forget the rare “once in a lifetime” White-throated Needletail, tragically felled, by a single turbine in front of horrified bird watchers on Harris in June 2013?  

The rotor blades of a wind turbine have a radius as long as a football field and rotate at 300 km/h. Against these huge propeller walls, Birds, Bats and insects don’t stand a chance. Eco-tourism? Forget it!  

Yours, trying to protect our wildlife not destroy it  


George Herraghty  Lothlorien  Lhanbryde

SAS Volunteer

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