Energy strategy
Mark Stewart’s article on how we finance our energy transition (Scotsman, 14 June) was very interesting.
To some extent he is correct to say: “The availability of risk capital to make manifest changes is still incredibly difficult to secure.” He is not correct if government provided the infrastructure investment for energy in Great Britain.
Prior to the privatisation of electricity supply and distribution, government investment was available to ensure security of supply and the lowest price of electricity in our history. Mr Stewart makes clear the urgency needed to find the means to finance our energy transition but fails to point out that this matter could be resolved if the government recognised this urgency and established a national energy authority to decide what is needed, when it is needed and where generating plants and transmission lines are located.
Without this action being taken, and without recognising that the electricity grid cannot be decarbonised without substantially increasing our nuclear capacity, there is no chance that the UK Government’s target of achieving net zero by 2050 will be reached.
C Scott, Edinburgh
Categories: SAS Blog

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