Sheirdrim Renewable Energy Development – Refused
Argyll & Bute
The proposed Development comprises 19 three-bladed horizontal axis wind turbines, 16 up to 149.9 m tip height and 3 up to 135 m tip height, with a combined rated output of around 114 megawatts (MW) and around 20 MW of ground mounted solar arrays producing a combined output of around 134 MW or 360 to 380 GWh of electricity annually. Around 38 MW of battery storage would also be installed to store energy and so provide flexible balance of energy and the delivery of the full potential of renewable energy to meet the demands of the national grid.
Scottish Ministers’ determination
The significant adverse impact on the setting of Dun Skeig scheduled monument and
resulting impact on how it is understood and enjoyed, and the experience of its
benefits, would not be secured for present and future generations if the proposed
Development were consented. Even taking into account the significant support
assigned by NPF4 to the proposed Development and its status as national
development, this ultimately leads the Scottish Ministers to the conclusion that despite
the many factors in favour of the proposed Development, this is not the right
development in the right place and the proposed Development is therefore not

SAS Volunteer

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