Last week we were alerted by Paul Swift of Galloway with Pylons to the fact that the applicant’s (Scottish Power Energy Networks) closing submission to the public inquiry for a 132kV overhead pylon line (OHL) from Kendoon to Tongland had not been published on the DPEA website as it was considered offensive. He wrote to the DPEA about SPEN’s final submission pointing out that it contained a lie about something he had said. They replied without addressing the complaint.
“Their submission was written by SPEN’s KC, with contributions from Shepherd Wedderburn LLP on behalf of the Applicant.
GWP goes further than the Scottish Government and believes that SPEN’s submission has caused great offence. Their submission is arrogant, dismissive of the local community, contains false information and is an attempted character assassination of the two “experts” that were employed to represent GWP. The local community raised £24,000 to pay for our KC and technical expert so you can imagine how angry GWP members are when they read this unpleasant submission from SPEN.
Our technical expert Dr Chris Ford BA (Hons), MBA, MSc. in Renewable Energy, PHD in Civil & Environmental Engineering. He was absolutely superb at the Inquiry and it was obvious from the first time I met him that he is indeed an expert on the “spatial dimension of energy systems”. I am currently working on a report that will highlight those sections of SPEN’s submission that attempts to denigrate the evidence of Dr Ford and others. There are many!”
Paul has now published the submission in full on the Galloway without Pylons website for anyone who wants to read it.

SAS Volunteer

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