Britain’s gas network has already hit full capacity as renewable energy fails to generate the power needed to heat the UK’s homes.

Freezing temperatures mean energy demands have soared in recent days, but low winds mean output at wind farms has plunged,  according to data from National Gas and National Grid, making the UK reliant on gas for up to two-thirds of its electricity this weekend.

However, Jon Butterworth, chief executive of National Gas, said demand from gas-fired power stations would be “maxed out” from today through much of the weekend.


He said the weather event should be a reminder of the importance of fossil fuels as to global policymakers attend the COP28 climate summit in Dubai.

Mr Butterworth said: “It’s really important they recognise that although we’ve got to decarbonize, energy security is also vital. And when you’re in a world of interruptible renewable energy, our security is massively important.

The more we build up our reliance on wind and solar power, which can be disrupted by the weather, the worse the risk becomes.”

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