A Galloway community council is at the centre of conflict of interest claims over its stance regarding two wind turbine developments proposed within its area.
Cree Valley has placed on record its strong criticisms over plans for 40 turbines up to 820 feet high on moorland sites north of Minnigaff and Glenvernoch, at nearby Bargrennan.
In its submission to the Scottish Government’s energy consents unit, members cited “deep concerns” over tourism impacts of huge wind farms bordering Galloway Forest Park and unspoiled wild land.
Possible adverse impacts on Newton Stewart as the Gateway to the Galloway Hills, the Galloway and South Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere and the Galloway Dark Sky Park were also raised.
However, according to 1,600–member campaign group Hands Off Our Hills (HOOH), CVCC office bearers also head the Cree Valley Area Development Trust – a private company which accepted a £2,000 donation from Blair Hill developers RES.
In addition, HOOH states that CVCC agreed to sign up to RES’ proposed “community liaison group” at its January 8 meeting – a move it claims undermines CVCC’s publicly stated position. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-news/cree-valley-community-council-accused-31894175?fbclid=IwAR0XWlUatYq7pVX4qsSDlNM4fO6_mTxiuJpfO0d0cOzsPv5FHg7yxSJVbjQ

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