Government sets out suite of proposed reforms to enable onshore wind ‘repowering’ projects to bid in clean power contract auctions from 2025
More of Britain’s ageing onshore wind farms could be eligible for clean power contracts from 2025, as part of a package of reforms that should enable upgrades to extend the operational life of some of the UK’s most iconic renewables projects.
The government yesterday unveiled a series of proposed tweaks to its Contracts for Difference (CfD) rules regime, which provides long term clean power contracts to new renewables developments.
The package confirmed Ministers are minded to make changes to the CfD regulatory framework to make it easier for older renewables generators reaching the end of their operational lives to take part in next year’s Allocation Round Seven (AR7) contract auction round. The move would allow developers to bid for clean power contracts they could then fulfill by ‘repowering’ existing onshore wind sites with modern turbines.…/government-preps-cfd…

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