Scotsman letters

Second Chance WHAT a great way to start the day. The Greens are out of government They were less environmentalists and more power-crazy opportunists pushing half-baked policies with the fervour and single-minded intent of one of our magnificent red stags galloping into the rut: the ones they put a target Read more…

Renewable energy growth needs Victorian know how – Scotsman

More and better strategic planning is required to avoid losing valuable farmland as brownfield sites lie idle, says Kenny Macaskill

Scotsman letters

Well done to Celia Hobbs (letters 24 April) for pointing out that 49 per cent of council decisions on wind farms, based on expert advice, have been overturned at appeal since 2007. What she omitted to say is that these figures are only for applications for single turbines and small Read more…

Scotsman letters

Jill Stephenson (Letters, 23 April) is concerned about Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie’s response to the Cass Review. MSP Michelle Thomson has accused Harvie of not respecting experts and denying science: “It is, in effect, a form of science denialism. That’s heading towards the world of Trump.” This is a Read more…