A Scottish Government quango has commissioned the destruction of more than 17 million trees in the last 24 years in order to build wind farms on public land.
The Scottish Government has been blasted after it was revealed that more than one million trees have been chopped down on publicly owned land in just a year to make way for wind farms. This mass cutting down of trees came despite the SNP and Scottish Greens claiming environmental credentials.  https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/anger-17-million-trees-chopped-32774066?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2zJMhzLzoy7ylv6R_DFbW0rcRkKs82yw-pvM4WwhOFAzD1m5Qc_fI4aQM_aem_AdQK7CB1ZSPFDqfojYkJgFsic7EzXD8ugaVq2CVue73qoPnHQFoWd2Rr4WlUydJytBzgXQUEYY8vXwg49Zw_8R0M

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