It is downright dishonest for developers, the BBC and the media to describe the recently-connected Moray West Offshore windfarm, to a gullible public, as “One of Scotland’s most powerful”.
It is the wind that is powerful NOT the turbines!
In fact, wind turbines do NOT produce any energy at all, FULL STOP.
Stand one in a giant hanger and see what happens, or doesn’t.
The First law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to another.
So called ‘renewables’ should more accurately be called energy collectors. They collect energy that already exists, in the form of wind or sunlight, and convert what little there is into electricity.
Therein lies the perpetual problem. If it is dark, still and cold, typical midwinter conditions, there is no energy to collect, thereby literally leaving us in the dark!
As we all too frequently discover wind ‘energy’ is a technological dead-end.
The extortionate cost of subsidies and permanently required back-up are kept well hidden.
The other hugely-damaging problem with parasitic ‘unreliables’ is their truly voracious material, maintenance, repair, replacement and space requirements.
At present, all the world’s energy plants occupy around 0.5% of the Earth’s surface. Trying to capture all our energy from solar and wind will require an astonishing 50% of the Earth’s surface. Nature and Biodiversity? Completely wrecked.
As for “powering half of Scotland’s homes”, as I write today’s ‘output’ is a pathetic 4%.
When there is no wind, the whole array will ‘produce’ precisely Net Zero!
Yours, not deceived
George Herraghty
Lhanbryde Moray

SAS Volunteer

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