Fears that a Labour “super-majority” might turn our parliamentary democracy into a parliamentary dictatorship are fast being realised.
Miliband has picked a fight with rural communities and may be surprised by the strength of the backlash. His latest decisions seem likely to be sent for judicial review, so the taxpayer will be hit with legal costs now, as well as higher food and energy prices in the future.  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/07/16/this-is-just-the-start-of-ed-milibands-green-energy-madness/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3mmIo4gZshhOckzPVvuQD-olaWq5zzGqZGQXK2mXmoNSGqd5byiDIeZjQ_aem_n7DNkgCHvjzNC7sqnZsd9A

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