Herald letters

THE widely-held view that renewable energy is cheap is a delusion which is so effectively promoted by the renewables industry that most of the public have been duped into a belief of what is no more than a myth. That we need to cease our dependency on fossil fuels as Read more…

Shetland faces the second coming of Vikings- in the form of wind farms – Mail

Shetland residents say the Viking wind farm’s 103 turbines are a monstrosity that’s ruined their landscape In its first two months the owners have already been paid £3m to NOT produce electricityhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13844467/Shetland-faces-second-coming-Vikings-form-wind-farms.html?fbclid=IwY2xjawFSM45leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHU20FolPMQ1n8COO-2slyEKbJxdqh_ILKmjh_Q1PT4D2yWoT4FRwz_TCpA_aem__AyxMOk0VuWY7082c9keHQ

Scotsman letters

Those on the UK climate gravy train keep telling us what we should do to cut greenhouse gasses but never reveal what other countries are doing – or rather, not doing. Germany has approved a new gas project. The US, the world’s largest oil producer, pay slip service to Net Read more…