“The Energy Secretary Ed Davey on climate change

Davey – “The vast majority of climate change scientists believe that man-made activity is causing it”. Play Political Com ” Video” http://playpolitical.typepad.com/liberal_democrats/2013/07/watch-davey-the-vast-majority-of-climate-change-scientists-believe-that-man-made-activity-is-causing.html

Radar test at airport wind farm a success

GREEN campaigners have welcomed the successful testing of a radar system which could resolve safety concerns over installing wind turbines near airports. The technology was tested at a wind farm near Prestwick Airport in Ayrshire last week which proved its ability to detect the difference between aircraft and the movement Read more…

Fire-fighting pilots want Federal Government to investigate turbulence risk of wind turbines – ABC

The group representing pilots who provide aerial support during bushfires wants an investigation into whether wind turbines affect fire-fighting. The Aerial Agricultural Association of Australia has written to the Federal Government with concerns about the turbines. Chief executive Phil Hurst says the main concern is whether they create a turbulence Read more…