We pay the price for wind power

GEORGE Osborne, the Chancellor, said that in 2015-16 up to £5.3 billion, raised through a levy on people’s energy bills, would go to support low-carbon energy projects. So there you have it, despite the renewables propaganda machines and the developers pleading poverty, our energy bills are loaded with renewables subsidies. Read more…

Lets Call it Green!!!

Lets take a technology, spend billions on it, Pay for it from taxpayers and household bills, Drive up fuel poverty. Ignore the carbon footprint of extensive manufacturing per turbine, Create toxic lakes mining for the rare metals required, Don’t count the cost of the steel and concrete manufactured, Don’t count Read more…

Community benefit can prove divisive

In response to the piece on community benefit and Newburgh Community Trust; Murdo Fraser is calling a spade a spade. Community benefit is an inducement to buy support for a planning application and is one way of trying to make an unacceptable proposal acceptable. Whether the money comes from the Read more…