Scots Gov is accused of ignoring experts after overturning almost HALF of all appealed planning decisions – Herald

Scots Gov is accused of ignoring experts after overturning almost HALF of all appealed planning decisions By Martin Williams Senior News Reporter The DPEA details show that 164 planning decisions out of 367 were overturned by the Scottish Government in 2021/22. The Scottish Government Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals Read more…

Easter Ross community council covering Ardross set to object to bid for yet another wind farm on patch as EnergieKontor (EK) proposal comes under spotlight – Ross shire Journal

AN Easter Ross community council is to object to what if approved would be the sixth wind farm for their area. Ardross Community Council made the decision following a public consultation meeting earlier this month. EnergieKontor (EK) are seeking planning permission for a “redesign” of the wind farm they propose Read more…