A green energy expert whose firm scammed £4million from customers for wind farm schemes has been banned from running companies for 14 years. Geoscientist Dr Paul Dougan was hit with the ban after a probe by the Insolvency Service found he used investors’ cash to fund separate property ventures instead of putting it into wind farm projects.
It slammed the “appalling scam” which it said robbed investors of “precious savings”. The probe found scores of ­investors were “misled” into putting their cash into a wind turbine scheme before Dougan’s firm went bust owing them £4.3million. But Dougan, who the Record traced to a flat in the Glasgow’s Lambhill, claimed he is now living on benefits.
The former Glasgow Caledonian University lecturer, 54, who drives an expensive Mercedes 4×4, said: “I was a stupid person who trusted other people. I’m now on universal credit. I don’t expect sympathy.” https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/…/wind-farm-scammer-who…

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