Every so often a glossy pamphlet pops through the letter boxes in the Kirkcudbrightshire village of Carsphairn. It gives residents the latest construction news on one of the new wind farms soon to have the community surrounded.
For Nigel Martin it is like receiving regular updates on the advance of monsters from science fiction – triffids, perhaps, or tripods from The War of the Worlds – and being expected to welcome their looming presence.
He and fellow villagers fought tooth and nail to prevent the South Kyle wind farm and its many neighbours being built.
Indeed, keeping abreast of the glut of bids to erect yet more turbines and mustering forces to protect their local hills can feel like a full-time job. At one point last year the community council serving their area had 16 live wind farm applications on its books.
The local authority, meanwhile, is reportedly so overwhelmed by the stampede of renewable energy developers that it cannot consider their applications in time.
The relentless march of the increasingly huge turbines is also blighting small businesses and damaging mental health. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11446049/Why-POWERLESS-stop-wind-farms-Testimonies-people-forced-live-turbine-shadows.html

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