The immigration minister has pledged the door will be shut on the “scandal” of allowing cheap foreign labour to replace British workers in serving Scotland’s green revolution.
Robert Jenrick has said that a controversial Offshore Workers Concession which allows the employment of cheaper foreign nationals on wind projects will close on April, 2023.
He was responding to concerns raised by Alba Party deputy leader Kenny MacAskill after at least one predominantly British-based crew is known to have been let go on the day they were due to start work on one of Scotland’s largest offshore wind farms – with recruiters citing the extension as the reason.
Unions have been fighting the OWWC which allows companies to skip the usual post-Brexit immigration restrictions and employ foreign nationals to join vessels engaged in the construction and maintenance of offshore wind farms.
Originally introduced in 2017, the government has renewed the ‘temporary’ concession multiple times starting with a 12 month extension to April 21, 2020. In 2021 the extension was done with no warning, on the day after it expired. Read on:…/23133393.wind-farm…/

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