Section 36 Wind Farm Decisions – What are the Stats? – Brodies

Energy clients are often concerned on the planning risk of wind farms and questions of “What’s the likelihood of success?” and “How long is it going to take to get consent?” will often be of concern. Obviously the answer is: “Well…it depends”.

Herald letters

  IT is obviously a failure that Scotland’s Government has established no state enterprise to exploit or oversee the exploitation of our remarkable wind assets, unlike many of our neighbours (“Fury over China and UAE’s multi-million offshore wind profits”, January 22). However, there should also be questions asked about CBI Read more…

SNP minister urged to ‘set the record straight’ on wind statistic by SNP MP in leaked letter – Scotsman

Scotland’s energy minister has been told to “set the record straight” on when Scottish Government ministers first became aware they were using an inaccurate wind statistic that was not “properly sourced”.

NPF4 Hearing

Today’s NPF4 Hearing is for…….WIN-270-15 – Proposed Kintradwell Wind Farm, near Brora Webcast starts at 9.30am this morning.…/webcast_interactive/741951