MINISTERS have come under fire after it was revealed that just one Scottish Government building is making use of eco-friendly heat pumps despite the SNP drive to ban fossil fuel boilers.
It comes as the government accepted that the pathway to net zero for Scotland requires a rapid large-scale decarbonisation of heat.
The Heat In Buildings Strategy, launched in February 2021, set out the Scottish Government’s ambition to double the number of zero emission heating systems installed north of the Border every year for the following five years. It also calls for the number of installations to reach 200,000 per year towards the end of the decade.
The large majority of these were to be heat pumps. They include domestic use and connections to heat networks supplied by larger heat pumps.
The government’s own expert advisory group says the net zero pathway required an “equally fast and widespread deployment of heat pumps”.
It has now emerged the government has had one solitary heat pump, installed in 2022, in one of its buildings. The site of the building has not been revealed.…/23301019.anger…/

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