Scotsman letters

Biodiversity loss People who care deeply about our Natural World will be pleased to hear that King Charles hosted global leaders at Buckingham Palace on Friday, to support action on restoring the natural world. Leaders from government, business, charities and indigenous communities went to the palace reception to support stronger Read more…

Turbine Turmoil – Scotsman Letters

The UK Government-commissioned review of Noise Guidance for onshore wind turbines (Etsu-R-97) has recently been published and confirms what campaigners have been saying for decades – it is outdated and in dire need of review, having been published in 1996 when turbines were tiny in comparison to the giant 260m Read more…

Press and Journal letters

Dear Sir,  On the very day Grant Shapps MP is appointed as the new Energy Secretary for energy security, I couldn’t help but notice that after 20 years and countless Billions in subsidies the entire wind industry is struggling to supply the National Grid with 4%!    George Herraghty  Lothlorien Read more…

Scotsman letters

  Energy betrayal In the good old days of public ownership, we had a gas board and electricity and coal boards. Their task was to keep the power coming, so they planned ahead and built new power stations as they were needed, and the government simply paid the bill. Everything Read more…