Householders are forking out an estimated £150 extra a year on their energy bills to switch off or on generators, including Scots wind farm turbines, it can be revealed.
Households who have seen a doubling of bills over the last three years are facing further pain over the cost of balancing the grid, to ensure there is enough energy to go around and also to curtail generation when there is too much.
It has emerged the ‘grid balancing’ has cost consumers over £17bn over 12 years.
The energy regulator Ofgem has launched a crackdown on energy firms ‘profiteering’ saying some generators had been attempting to gain excessive financial benefit at a cost to consumers.
The amounts paid to energy firms through what is called the ‘balancing mechanism’ has soared by over 350% from just £886m in 2011/22 to £4.149bn in 2022/23.

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