Email received this morning from Alexander Burnett MSP’s assistant. Please let us know if there are any questions you would like us to ask.
Aileen Jackson and Rachel Connor represented SAS at the event.
As Alexander mentioned during the roundtable if there are questions you would like us to submit to the Scottish Government or areas you would like us to submit questions, please do get in touch with questions and suggestions and we can submit these.
I have included links to the debate below and have also attached a letter we sent to the Minister for Energy and Environment as she failed to reply to a number of points Alexander made in his speech opening the debate. We should receive a reply from the Minister in the next week.

SAS Volunteer

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Paul Whitfield · July 26, 2023 at 8:27 pm

Re Questions for the Minister: We live immediately adjacent to a proposed development (Lees Hill by Fred Olsen) with the nearest proposed turbine being only 800m away and 6 turbines within 1,600m. I understand that some countries have minimum distances from residents either in metres or multiples of rotor diameter. We are unable to sell our house (we’ve tried) and apparently have no rights. So my question is: Why doesn’t the Scottish Government stipulate a minimum distance from turbines to protect the health and well being of immediate residents and/or have a compensation scheme to protect residents and their lifetime investments.

    SAS Volunteer · July 27, 2023 at 8:37 am

    Thanks Paul, we’ll put that on the list. You will have a buffer zone but that ranges from only 500m to 700m depending on your local authority area.

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