The company behind plans for 17-turbines at Lethen, near Lochindorb on the Dava Moor, have defended their vision to the Strathy following the weekend’s announcement by Holyrood ministers that it has been refused.
A spokesperson for Fred. Olsen Renewables said: “Fred. Olsen Renewables has been operating for over 25 years and is truly committed to the delivery of onshore wind projects that support both communities and our natural environment.
“Lethen Wind Farm is the result of five years of environmental and technical assessments, alongside extensive local engagement.”
The developers believe the landscape to be suitable for renewable energy development, the spokesperson affirmed.
“Our proposals have gone through extensive design to minimise any potential adverse impacts.
“Having played an integral part in the creation of the Onshore Wind Sector Deal, and actively contributed towards the development of NPF4, Lethen Wind Farm has captured the true spirit of both these policies.
“Lethen Wind Farm would deliver over 100MW of clean power.
“It would also provide biodiversity enhancements and improvements, support community energy efficiency and improve access in a remote area.
“The decision taken by the Scottish Government is hugely disappointing.
“We believe that this may be counter to current legislation and we will be carefully considering our next steps.”
The company were criticised at the weekend by the campaigners Scotland Against Spin for the way the application was handled.
“The developer may now be wondering if their decision not to allow longer for Highland Council to make a response was the right one.
“They gambled and they lost,” said an SAS spokesperson.

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