Scotsman letters

  No rural benefit Tom Ballantine (letter of March 2) made the claim that “the wider costs and benefits of the higher charges arising from the use of wind farms in place of cheaper fossil fuels for generating electricity” were ignored by those in rural Scotland. Once more this highlights Read more…

Herald letters

THE public are generally aware that the key sources of renewable energy including wind and solar are variable and intermittent which results in their needing back-up when supply cannot meet demand or indeed when renewables output frequently collapses and such back-up includes the running of quick-responding gas turbine generation and Read more…

Kellas Drum Wind Farm – Application

A wind farm comprising up to 8 turbines to a maximum tip height of 185m, associated tracks, substation & control building, meteorological mast, 2 borrow pits, temporary construction compound and 30MW energy storage compound. For clarity Planning permission under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 was granted by Read more…