A PLANNING bid has been submitted to Scottish Borders Council to extend the lifespan of a “still commercially viable” windfarm near Innerleithen.

The application, prepared and submitted by RWE Renewables UK Operations Ltd, is to allow for Bowbeat Wind Farm at Bowbeat Hill to remain operational for an additional five years, until August 2030.  https://www.bordertelegraph.com/news/24326560.bid-extend-lifespan-innerleithen-windfarm-5-years/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1jsbgR4QnThp_C95VFYtiviHJ0_x48c9MlDxci4adPd_4TH9Np2FAsK3U_aem_AU9GAwc-cmUgJn17n361TkSW2j5Ctj4RKxtkBQuRw5uVXT-VtbsSaddTSexLJMFBpssFSNjYE5ZGg6mOdHXd-Xao

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