SAS Petition Hearing

Can we remind everyone that our Petition PE1864: Increase the ability of communities to influence planning decisions for onshore windfarms will be discussed for the fourth time tomorrow morning at 9.30am by the Scottish Parliament Petitions Committee. You can watch the proceedings live at

Petition update

We’ve just been informed that the SAS petition will receive its fourth Hearing by the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee at its meeting on 18 January 2023.…/pe1864-increase-the…

SAS submission to our Petition to the Scottish Parliament

SAS has made the following submission to our Petition to the Scottish Parliament:  PE1864: Increase the ability of communities to influence planning decisions for onshore windfarms in response to the recent submission from the Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth. Legislative competence SAS is grateful to the Minister for […]