Petition update

Yesterday, we received notification that there had been new submissions to our Petition.…/pe1864-increase-the… You will remember that the Planning Minister gave evidence to the Committee before Summer recess and said that the Scottish Gov had no authority to increase or abolish the 50MW threshold for renewable energy developments to […]

Further Petition update

The SAS Petition was heard for the fourth time this morning. The Committee seemed to have read and understood the concerns raised in our last submission and have agreed to obtain more evidence from both the Planning and Energy Ministers as well as consulting with Planning Aid Scotland (PAS) and […]

Further Petition Update

We’ve just been informed that the SAS petition will be heard by the Petitions Committee again on 29 June. The Clerks tell us that the Scottish Government will liaise with the UK Government directly over the issue of whether or not they would be willing to amend the Electricity Act […]

SAS Petition update

The SAS petition was heard for the third time by the Scottish Parliament Petitions Committee this morning. As it was also being debated at the same time as another wind farm petition to make shared ownership mandatory, our fear was that this would muddy the waters and unfortunately that is […]

Agenda for the next Hearing of the SAS Petition

The Agenda for the next Hearing of the SAS Petition is now available on the Scottish Parliament website.…/2022/cppps62211/agenda We were told that only the Planning Minister, Tom Arthur MSP would be giving evidence but apparently Andy Kinnaird, Head of Transforming Planning, and Neal Rafferty, Senior Adviser, Heat in Buildings […]