MPs have voted to reject an amendment to the Energy Bill introduced by the Lords to limit emissions from old coal-fired power stations.

Under the proposed change the plants would have been subject to Emissions Performance Standards – which will apply to any new build power stations – unless they used Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

As CCS is currently both expensive and untested on a large scale, the amendment would probably have meant early closure for the plants.

Energy Minister Michael Fallon said the amendment would lead to plants being closed without any replacements, making the UK’s energy supply less secure and more expensive, the BBC reported.

1 Comment

may hurry · December 7, 2013 at 6:19 pm

carbon capture is utter garbage – read Professor Economides treatise on the subject – that is why the weasel ‘Government’ has offered a prize of umpteen sqillion quid for the boffin who can crack it – they know its impossible, sensible people have always known it.

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