In the name of social cohesion and engineering sanity, the next decade must see no more coal plant closures until replacement base load capacity is in place

Sir, If and when the UK next experiences large-scale rolling electricity brown-outs, last seen in the 1970s, the public inquisition on any consequential economic and social disruption must look first at the Climate Change Committee which has taken a single-issue look at the future, and has done much to bring such a situation about by persistently privileging concern for the environment above both the affordability and the security of supply of electricity since 2008 (report, Dec 11).

In the name of social cohesion and engineering sanity, the next decade must see a precise reversal of priorities, with no more coal plant closures until replacement base load capacity is in place.

Michael J. Kelly

Prince Philip Professor of Technology,

University of Cambridge

SAS Volunteer

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