October was a great month for science. Einstein’s view on science’s limits were proven wrong and his Theory of ­General Relativity proved right, by scientists directly weighing a white dwarf via gravitational lensing.

Read more at: http://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/dr-keith-p-dawson-cultist-dogma-of-the-green-lobby-is-exposed-by-benefit-of-more-co2-1-4600152

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1 Comment

Albert Rogers · November 1, 2017 at 10:17 pm

It grieves me that the worthless undispatchable “renewables” like wind and sun, let alone the idiotic idea of burning trees and food for industrial energy, are so closely associated with the actual necessity of NOT putting any more fossil carbon into the air as carbon dioxide.
Nuclear power is THE “alternative” and I knew THAT sixty years ago.
It is the best enduring reason for the Manhattan Project.
(The first reason was of course defeating Nazism)

The EPA data which Trump wishes to withhold from the public who are paying for it, flatly contradicts whatever lying source gave you the “CO2 is at record lows” assertion.
You are correct that “CO2 makes our plants and trees grow”, but what the fossil carbon industry is burning now is the remains of plants and trees that were drowned millions of years ago, and were buried by tectonic events,
Those forests and bogs are not here any more, to process the excess CO2.

“Without CO2 we die” True, but something like 300 ppm was sufficient for the entire world of 1800. I believe we have added more than 100 ppm to that. The figure is not worth arguing about, the absolute fact is that burning what the Carboniferous period sequestered, and there NOT being a vast increase in the tropical or temperate forests of the world, means It Has Gone Up.
Since the dawn of civilization, and before, there has been a fair equilibrium between the carbohydrates etc. fixed from the atmospheric CO2, and those consumed and turned back into CO2 by living organisms.
The food you and I eat, and the fungi in the woods, and the bacteria in the soil and elsewhere (you do know that pathogenic bacteria are a minority, right?) were all produced by recently living photosynthesisers.
James Hansen reckons it’ll take centuries, possibly millennia, for enough green things to up their production rates enough to compensate for the burning of the fossil carbon that was buried when far more landmass was wild forest, and we don’t know nearly enough about the sea’s phytoplankton.
Al Gore UNDERESTIMATES the problem, or he wouldn’t fool around with “renewables”. The IFR, by the way had already proven, three weeks before Chernobyl, that slightly used nuclear fuel should NOT be “wasted”, and that the problem of meltdown was already solved.

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