Petition Update

We have just had confirmation that the next Hearing of the SAS Petition will be heard on 2 February.…/pe1864-increase-the… The Committee has not requested our presence at this meeting. The agenda for the meeting will be available on the Committee’s website on Monday, 31 January. The agenda will show […]

Petition Update

The Civil Servants are up bright and early this morning. Scotland Against Spin received an email from the Scottish Parliament Petitions Team (at 7.30am) to confirm that all recent submissions have now been uploaded to the website. The Petitions Committee has no further meetings scheduled for this month so it […]

Update on Scotland Against Spin Petition to the Scottish Parliament

The SAS Petition to the Scottish Parliament was heard by the Petitions Committee on 1 September.  They unanimously supported the Petition and agreed to consult Scottish Renewables, Planning Aid Scotland, Royal Town Planning Institute and Heads of Planning Scotland (HoPS.)  To date, all but HoPS have replied and their […]

Update on SAS Petition

We have just been informed by the Petitions Committee that responses have been received and posted on our Petition Webpage from Scottish Renewables, Planning Aid Scotland and Royal Town Planning Institute. It appears they were received a month ago but we are only getting sight of them now. However, we […]