Herald letters

  Contempt for our rural areas THE Minister for Energy and the Environment, Gillian Martin, gave a statement: Vision for Scotland’s Future Energy System, on September 28 to an almost-empty Holyrood debating chamber. When asked by Conservative MSP Tess White MSP if new energy infrastructure projects must always be completed Read more…

Herald letters

  Rushing through wind farm plans IT has been announced that the Scottish Government is cutting the planning process for onshore wind farms to 12 months. It’s a surprise move since most of the existing applications can’t get a grid connection for several years. Why the rush? With National Planning Read more…

Greater risk of harm – Herald

The body tasked with protecting Scotland’s environment has had its funding slashed by more than a quarter in real terms since 2010, prompting accusations it is not a “priority” for the Scottish Government. The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) is responsible for keeping Scotland’s environment “safe, healthy and sustainable” and Read more…