Ascog wind turbine appeal is turned down

by Craig Borland

A final, fatal blow appears to have been dealt to controversial plans to
erect three 74-metre turbines at Ascog Farm on the east coast of Bute.

The Scottish Government’s directorate for planning and environmental
appeals (DPEA) has turned down an appeal by the farm’s owner, Adrian Tear,
against refusal of the plans by Argyll and Bute Council.

Announcing his findings, Richard Hickman, the reporter appointed by the
DPEA to deal with the case, states: “On balance, taking account of the very
significant adverse effect on the local landscape and the potential adverse
effect on the enjoyment of the golf course, together with a risk that some
tourist visitors to Bute would be deterred, I am satisfied that the
potential benefits of the scheme would not outweigh or justify the serious
breach of the landscape protection policies that would be involved.

“I have taken account of the other matters put forward in support of this
application, but I find that they do not alter my conclusion. Accordingly I
conclude that the appeal should be dismissed.”

Mr Tear’s original application for planning permission attracted around 490
objections and approximately 70 expressions of support, and was turned down
by the council’s planning, protective services and licensing committee in May.


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