It’s demographics
The sheer absurdity of Patrick Harvie‘s proposal to enforce heat pump usage in Scotland may be due to the fact that he and so many others in the higher echelons of the SNP and Greens have lived all of their lives in cities and have no idea whatever of the issues affecting rural dwellers.
So what happens when a small village or isolated small farm has a power cut in the depths of winter or general bad weather, something which is not an infrequent occurrence?
Answer: The heat-pump doesn’t work.
So not only is there the cost of electricity consumption 24/7 for a heat pump, but also the issue of unreliability.
One only has to look at the huge differential in all utility-company tariffs between the cost of electricity and gas and it quickly becomes clear that the cheapest way to provide heat and hot water is via a gas boiler!
In my opinion, people who dwell in rural Scotland are not represented by SNP MPs and MSPs, even though in terms of land area, urban areas account for 2.2 per cent of Scotland and rural areas account for 97.8 per cent; in terms of population, urban areas account for 83 per cent and rural areas account for 17 per cent.
So, the conclusion must be that if you are part of the 17 per cent and want a life that does not involve being crammed into already crowded cities, the SNP/Green alliance will be penalising you in furtherance of their totally daft and ill-thought-through policies and intentions.
May heaven save us all from conceptualists who are either unable or unwilling to understand Scotland’s demographics.
Derek Farmer, Anstruther, Fife
COPs and robbers
On the very day the monstrously polluting COP28 kicks off, the much-vaunted “renewable solutions” have once again failed to generate enough power to heat UK homes.
Freezing temperatures for the week ahead and no wind mean energy demands are soaring, but low winds mean output at all wind farms has plummeted. Data from the National Grid confirms that the UK is reliant on gas for an astonishing two-thirds of its electricity this weekend.
This criminal neglect of energy security can’t go on. It also means the UK has had to buy record amounts of electricity from Europe, at the extortionate cost of £2 billion, government figures have revealed.
When will the ever-so-green billionaires, in their private jets, allow poor, cold, ordinary folk, with common sense, to address their conference?
How many more COPs and robbers will we have to endure?
George Herraghty, Lothlorien, Lhanbryde, Elgin, Moray

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