The Scottish Government has given the green light to the developers of a proposed 16-turbine wind farm in Sutherland.
The way is now clear for ESB Energy – the main gas and electricity supplier in Ireland – to build Chleansaid Wind Farm on a site on Dalnessie Estate, to the north-east of Lairg.
The development will have an installed capacity of approximately 96 megawatts. Twelve turbines will have a maximum tip height of 200m and four will have a maximum tip height of 180m.
Chleansaid project manager Jessica Yanetta has welcomed the decision.
She said: “The consent for Chleansaid Wind Farm underlines the Scottish Government and Highland Council’s support for renewables and the creation of local jobs.”
NatureScot, Mountaineering Scotland and two community councils objected to the wind farm during the planning process.

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