It was good to see a number of our members managed to attend the Planning Democracy/Action to Protect Rural Scotland webinar on Wednesday night. Aileen had asked a question in advance about the Shepherd’s Rig decision and also asked a few others in the chat, one of which was about Policy 3 of NPF4 which requires positive effects for biodiversity. The general consensus of opinion was that our Government is so obsessed with renewables that Policy 3 will make very little difference.
Rachel managed to get in a question on flooding at the very end.
Today we received a link from APRS to the recording of the webinar for anyone who was unable to attend.
“I have attached the slides from the webinar, and we have also published a recording of the webinar to watch on YouTube and a podcast of the session, which, you can listen to directly or download. You can access all of this and details of other webinars at
During the session we mentioned a number of links. We have summarised some of these below for you, but you can also find them in the attached slides.”
Can I also take the chance to remind you about the DPEA Planning Skills webinar next week. Planning Skills – Appeals Training with the DPEA 14th Dec 2023, 14:00 – 16:00…/planning-skills…/

SAS Volunteer

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