SAS is very sad to have been told of the premature death of Mark Steele, a practicing landscape architect, who often appeared at public inquiries on the side of individuals and communities whose family lives and occupations were put at risk by the growth of turbine numbers across Scotland.
Mark was that rarest of specialists; always utterly committed to the rigour of his task of investigating, analysing and reporting the impact of wind projects on the people actually affected, yet all the while having  a crystal clear eye and delivering neutral, easy-to-read assessments so that clients, developers, Councils and Reporters and others could never be in doubt what he was saying.
He was never partisan; always calm, and with a fine instinct for the waffle we see so often. Not for Mark the hair splitting distinctions so beloved of many in his trade. Instead he would go straight to it, and in layman’s language, tell you what was there to be valued, what the project would look like and how it would truly affect the landscape and the outlook from the homes of those who would actually have to live with it. When cross examined, he gave as good as he got, standing up for his own intellectually pristine conclusions with vigour, clear language and often with a wry sense of humour.
Mark adored his family. We do not recall any conversation over more than 20 years of working together when he didn’t sing the praises of one or other of his children, their achievements, passions and adventures. Especially we should think of Liz, his wife, whose loss will be very hard to bear, and we send her our love.
Mark Steele was a fine man, taken too soon, and we were very proud to call him our friend, colleague, adviser, careful critic and just a great help to so many who find the wind torrent so baffling. Would that there were more of him. RIP, mate. You’ll be sadly missed.

SAS Volunteer

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