Thank you for signing up for the presentation on Planning Appeals with the DPEA. We hope you found the event useful, even if you could not make it on the day, we hope you find these resources useful. Please pass this email on to any staff from your organisation which may benefit.
Feedback Survey
Please see below a link to a very short feedback survey. This is anonymous and is there to help improve events going forward.
Please see attached collated pdf copy of the slides used on the day. These slides also include all of the Menti polls used on the day.
The Assistant Chief Reporter David Liddell was answering questions on the chat function throughout. We have tried to capture these as best as possible in the attached document.
The video is currently being edited and transcribed, we will make this available in due course and email out to all attendees.
Further training
As mentioned at the end of the session this was the first event in a series from the DPEA. As you can see on the attached slides there was a poll on future training issues, and these will be looked into in the new year.
From the initial sign up form we asked whether you wished future training events to be online or in person 80% (477 of 561) registered preferred online events.
Any open events I will advertise on the main Improvement Service Newsletter, you can sign up on the link in my signature.
If you wish to discuss anything about the event further please contact me in the first instance.

Kind regards 

Trevor Moffat | he/him | Planning Skills Project Manager & Heads of Planning Scotland Secretary | 07834516824 | Heads of Planning Scotland | Planning Skills

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